I should not have nice things. Nice things are not long-lived in my possession. I cracked the sapphire ring my grandparents gave my mother for her 21st birthday. How on earth do you crack a sapphire? Working on the turf harvester, as you do, wearing a family heirloom. I lost half of my own 21st present in the waters off Brampton Island in a bit of a kerfuffle that involved three grown ...
time-worn tucker
peaches and squid
My Mother-in-law volunteers at a St Vincent de Paul thrift shop. She keeps an eye out and the girls are often on the receiving end of some beautiful things. This weekend was my turn. She'd bought me The Australia Heritage Cookbook. She has the same one in her cupboard. Given my love of heirloom vegetables and heritage seeds, I turned the pages with hopeful anticipation. Drinking in the ...
Osaka, sushi and what happens when I’m told I can’t
In 1991 Mrs Hagiwara sent a note home to my parents suggesting that I discontinue Japanese lessons - it wasn't working out. Languages are not my strong suit and Mrs Hagiwara had a point. But telling a hot-headed teenage girl that she can't do something is like a red rag to a bull. So I promptly enrolled in elective Japanese lessons to spite her and spent the next two years proving her point ...
this stove
Yesterday my stove started flaming. Not in the helpful, cooking way. In the on-fire-run-outside-and-turn-the-gas-off kind of way. The plumber has been today and confirmed it's probably going to be more cost effective to replace it than to fix it. "An opportunity to shop", he said. Since he's left, I'm in floods of tears. David bought me this stove. Prior to this lovely shiny smeg, ...
yet another new year post
My mate Rachel is mad keen on New Years Resolutions. Having not spent new years with her before, I was surprised by her fervor and enthusiasm for such endeavours. I tend to lurk at the other end of the resolution spectrum; thoroughly enjoying the excesses of the season and hoping against hope that no one calls on me to nominate my inevitably unsuccessful undertakings. Rach must have rattled ...
that’s a wrap
The year is rapidly drawing to a close and I've run out of time to post the vacherin recipe - sorry - in the new year I promise! I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have read my blog this year. I've been having such a beaut time writing it and I'm thrilled with how many of you take a few minutes each week to read whatever I've concocted! Here are some highlights from my ...