I'll be straight up. The true purpose of this post is for me to show off my ridiculously good looking family and share some photos from Ant and Flic's wedding on Saturday night. Just as long as we both recognise this for what it is. Deal? Saturday was steamy. The sun emerged from wherever it had been hiding during the week and shone gloriously for Ant and Flic's big day. We were standing ...
time-worn tucker
a big day, a bright future
Today my little brother Ant gets hitched. By the time this post is published, he and Flic will have promised each other all manner of things in the chapel of the school where they spent lots of time as kids. When Ant first popped the question, I wondered how on earth my baby brother was old enough to get married. Then I remembered; it was that same baby who eulogised his big brother with ...
homemade sausage rolls
Yesterday the heavens opened over the farm. It didn’t drizzle. It didn’t shower. It bucketed down. A combine of farmers gathered in the shed and we shouted at each other over the noise of the rain on the tin roof. Impromptu meetings of this nature have been a bit thin on the (dusty) ground lately, so our celebratory drinks tasted particularly sweet. When Bearhands and I first moved to the ...
three fast and fabulous frittata recipes
We caught up with a small portion of Bearhands’ extended family on the weekend for brunch. Frittatas are traditionally a Spanish breakfast dish. They’re tasty and perfectly portable, which made them the perfect choice for Saturday. I made them, and while they were baking, threw some clothes in a bag for the weekend, asked the kids to brush their teeth eleven times, showered, asked the girls to ...
how to poach a chicken breast
So you googled “how to poach a chicken breast” and somehow you landed here. I figure this is for one of two reasons: you’ve been invited to make sandwiches for morning tea at the local CWA hall, or you’ve embarked on some crazy 2.5 calories per day diet. You’ve eschewed fat, dairy and booze. You’re hungry and it’s likely your attention span is short. Bear with me, I’ll make this ...
in appreciation
I’d never had any dealings with the police before I went to work for them, so to say I was nervous on my first day was an understatement. More so, I was grossly unprepared for what I would hear and see. Mum will tell you that I phoned her after my first week and told her “we’ve led a very sheltered life”. My temporary contract became a change in career and I spent the following two years working ...