As school kids we would play a memory game. One person would start "I went to the shop and I bought an apple." Then the next kid would say "I went to the shop and I bought an apple and a stick of butter." On Monday, I woke a bit dusty after catching up with a mate I haven't seen much of lately. So I did what any self-respecting woman when suffering the after effects of a big night - I went ...
time-worn tucker
how to make mock fish | the good, the yum & the ugly
Blokes love ugly food. So on Sunday morning faced with nine hungry (and hungover) fellows, I dusted off a classic ugly food recipe and made mock fish. Mock Fish is an old fashioned term for potato pancakes and were a great (and economical) way to feed a family. But I love mock fish because it brings back memories of boozy nights and slow barbecued breakfasts with two of my best girlfriends ...
chicken and camembert pot pies
Preface: yesterday I read this article about the 25 ridiculous phrases people use at work. I don't work outside the home anymore, so just for kicks I've tried to cram as many buzzwords into this post as I can. You know me, I like to think outside the box. See if you can pick all seventeen! I'm busy, you're busy. Come three o'clock the crossing supervisor is busy. On the Monday after ...
the very best gifts I’ve ever received (and how to help the people of Nepal)
Bearhands and I have reached that stage in our union that our marriage has outlived many of our wedding presents. The red non-stick frypan my Aunt gave us is now decidedly stick. I broke one of the crystal wine glasses from a work colleague while washing up. One of the feet has broken off the sandwich press Bearhands' cousin gave us. These presents have seen wear and tear, but nothing like I ...
The Great Australian Fish Pie
I have an app on my phone that tells me what I was up to on that day in years previous. It's fun to see how much the kids have grown, remember family holidays and past accomplishments. On Friday it reminded me that three years ago, I stopped writing this blog anonymously and came out as the bird behind Cooker and a Looker. I've deleted many of those old posts because the photographs were ...
what does Mum do for fun?
Last week I asked readers to help me put together a project for Mothers Day and I was overwhelmed by the response. Each mother asked their children "What does Mum do for fun?" Their answers were unexpected and hilarious. A massive thank you to everyone who contributed, your kids made this video! Happy Mothers Day! ...