Hello, it's me. I was wondering if after all these weeks you'd like to read and go over everything. They say that time off's meant to calm ya But mums don’t do much resting. Hello, can you hear me? I'm in my office dreaming about where we used to be When we were relaxed and free. I've forgotten how it felt with the sand under our feet. There's such a difference between Fraser And three ...
time-worn tucker
Merry Christmas
Hello from Fraser Island. The girls and I have escaped civilisation and started our holiday early this year but I wanted to pop in and thank you for being part of this little community. You've helped make 2015 a wonderful year for me and I'm grateful every time you share a recipe, leave a comment or reply to the newsletter. Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Christmas filled ...
the world’s easiest Christmas cake
On Friday we had the farm Christmas party. We're not a large group but in previous years it hasn't seemed as easy as it should be. This year was different. From the outset I struck a woman named Sonia. She was so helpful, nothing was a drama. She made organisation of the whole event as smooth as a gravy sandwich. I almost kissed her when we met in person for the first time because this time of ...
the washing up cup (how to host 23 people for Christmas dinner harmoniously)
When you write on the internet, you come to expect criticism but this week my free Christmas Planner drew some unexpected flak. I read the message wearily. Dear Amanda - I have a complaint about your christmas planner. You're assuming knowledge. I needed detailed instructions about how to make sure you don't f*ck up a christmas dinner for immediate family (19-23 people depending on ...
Christmas Antipasto Wreath
If you follow me on Facebook or instagram you would have caught my excitement when Oprah Winfrey liked one of my photos on Instagram. Some suggested that this might be the peak of my online existence and perhaps I should just retire while I was on top. @oprah just liked my Instagram photo. O P R A H! Since we're obviously buddies now, think I should invite her to the farm for afternoon tea ...
Bolo de Cenoura (Crazy Brazilian Carrot Cake)
Brazil has been trying to send me a message these past weeks. First the Japoticabas fruited across the road, then my mate Claudia sent me a photo of her Aunt’s tree in Rio. The Japoticabas, or Brazilian Cherry, is a plant like I've never seen - the berries form on the trunk. Wacky Brazilian fruit. Then my clever sister-in-law Erin was selected as the head physio for the Hockeyroos (Australia's ...