Every morning the Little Sister rides her bike out to the dam and back. Every morning she asks me to join her. This morning I did. It rained overnight and the track was heavy going, we raced there and back. No prizes for guessing the winner. Made breakfast and set about marshalling the kids through their morning routine. I was concentrating on measuring the yeast for a loaf of bread, when the ...
time-worn tucker
Day 49 of Distanced Ed
Quick note: yesterday a friend messaged and said how much the girls seem to be enjoying Distanced Ed. This is NOT the case. They hate isolation and wish, more than anything, that they could join the every increasing number of classmates at school. The photos I share are mostly the high points of our day but there are plenty of low points. We have our fair share of tears, anguish and ...
Day 48 of Distanced Ed
After a fun weekend, Monday morning received the welcome it deserved. No one wanted to go to school, including the Principal. I told the girls they had to wear uniform tops, but could wear whatever they wanted on their bottom halves. When we headed out to the school room, the Little Sister sooked and whinged about her writing assessment but eventually knuckled down and gotit done. She and I ...
Day 47 of Distanced Ed
Woke early and was laying awake when I saw the Little Sister stir. I lifted the covers and offered her normal spot for a cuddle, but instead she walked to Bearhands’ side of the bed and whispered something in his ear. I heard him reply “maybe wait five minutes until it’s light” but she couldn’t be dissuaded. Moments later I heard movement in the kitchen and the Big Sister delivered a cup of ...
Day 46 of Distanced Ed
Family trip to Morayfield to do some Mother’s Day shopping. Baulked at the number of cars in the carpark at BCF, so the girls and I sat in the car while Bearhands went inside. Bearhands headed off to golf at lunchtime and the girls and I had a slow afternoon. Tried to have a sleep, was thwarted by Max who barked like he was the first canine to ever discover birds. In the early evening we ...
Day 45 of Distanced Ed
Woke and dressed in blue for May 8 - the day for remembering Australian teen Dolly Everett. High drama in the school room when the internet continually dropped out while the Little Sister’s teacher described how to undertake the maths test. She was borderline meltdown by the time we received her teacher’s reply email explaining the process. The maths test was an non-event by comparison, ...