Today is a special day for me. On this day in 2016 and 2017, I left Bearhands and my babies to head to Brisbane to have treatment for MS. For those two years I had a form of chemo that wiped out my immune system in the hope that I’d get a break from MS. I’d spent the weeks prior making careful lists for my In Laws about what sandwiches the girls preferred on their lunches, which days were ...
time-worn tucker
Day 55 of Distanced Ed
Our last Monday of home learning! I’d have skipped out to the school room save for my bung knee! The Little Sister logged onto her zoom and joined her class in greeting their teacher “Gooood Mooooor-ning Mister Cooooooo-per, and Godddddd blessssss yoooou!” \In another this-Monday-is-better-than-last-Monday, I remembered bin day. It says a lot about me as a person, that in a time when you can ...
Day 54 of Distanced Ed
Woke before everyone. Was quietly typing on my laptop, when my nephew peered around the corner. I asked him if he needed a cuddle and he folded himself onto my lap (a much better fit than my own girls) and we whispered about what the day might hold. He told me about his mates at kindy and his new teacher and what they do during the day. When the girls woke up David migrated to them. Baby Emmett ...
Day 53 of Distanced Ed
Woke early with the kids, who were excited to have the whole day together in front of them. Bearhands and I lay in bed talking about how long our girls seemed to be in cots and nappies and then suddenly they weren’t. When we got up, we had early morning snuggles with Emmett and watched the sun gradually cover the valley. (There’s something seriously sexy about watching your husband snuggle babies. ...
Day 52 of Distanced Ed
How does the harvester always know when we’re in a hurry? The girls did their first lessons in the office while Bearhands waged battle against the glitchy harvester. The girls had finished their school work by the time Bearhands declared defeat - the window for us to inspect a truck we’d arranged to see was closing. Made it to Wacol with minutes to spare and immediately knew the truck was too ...
Day 51 of Distanced Ed
The Little Sister and I had a large difference of opinion before breakfast, but when we headed out to the school room, she settled down and finished her writing task without too much fuss. Afterwards she would write me a little love note and slip it under my keyboard. We turned Bearhands’ PT into PE, then headed back to the school room to try to get ahead of school work we’ll miss tomorrow when ...