Would you believe Target is sponsoring another fashion post written by me? It may have been hard to tell from the tumbleweeds on the blog but it’s been a very exciting couple of weeks in Casa de Cooker. There was a conference on the Gold Coast, a camping holiday and of course the recovery mission. In the midst of all the chaos I managed a child-free afternoon to hit the shops. I was ready to ...
five things I suck at
1. throwing things I throw like a girl. I asked my Sister in Law, who has represented Australia in no less than three sports, for some pointers once. Her first observation was "Well, you just look a bit floppy". And so ended the lessons. 2. choosing an avocado Is it ripe? No? Leave it and forget it, then put it in the bin. 3. driving in a straight line This weakness didn't become apparent ...
crustless besan flour quiche + cadavers
I do my best work in the shower. I’m not sure what it is about being in a lather, but I have my best ideas there. I've practiced my married signature, named my children and written countless blog posts on the steamed up glass in our ensuite. This morning was no different. I was solving the world food supply crisis* when something interrupted my train of thought. Gee my breath smells ...
eavesdropping + odd bedfellows
It takes the Little Sister a while to wind down for a sleep since we eighty-sixed her pipe a few months back. So it was nothing to hear her singing and playing in her cot late last week. I was eavesdropping on her chatter: Go to sleep dolly. Lie down teddy. Hello mousey! Come up here mousey. Whatchya doing mousey? The following morning I caught a fleeting glimpse of her new mate as ...
the little flower + an exam care package
The Big Sister’s middle name is Therese. We chose this name as a dedication to my Nanny. St Therese was her favourite saint. Nanny was fond of Saint Therese because she placed her emphasis on great love rather than great deeds. St Therese wasn't beheaded or burned at the stake. She died quietly of tuberculosis at just 24 years of age. I suspect Nanny knew what she was doing when she ...
bucking good lemonade scones + a yarn from the Muster
If you subscribe to the newsletter, you'll know that we headed to the Gympie Muster last weekend. If you don't subscribe to the newsletter, you should. click here. The Muster is a cracking weekend filled with good fun and great music and it attracts people from all over the country. On Thursday night my girlfriends and I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of some fellows from ...