This post is brought to you by Origin Energy Even at University I knew that studying zoology was going to be a niche market. I knew there wouldn't be loads of application to real life. Sure, sometimes while watching the girls squabble over the last biscuit, I think I could be watching a nature documentary. But really, there’s not a huge crossover in knowledge between my studies and my real ...
the world is still a good place, the 16/05/14 edition
I’m hesitant to write another The World is Still a Good Place post. I wrote one on David’s birthday back in February. While I was busy concentrating on being grateful, I denied myself the chance to be sad. In the days after his birthday, my body struggled. I tried to keep going, but I didn’t have the energy to get through the day. At the gym, weights I normally lift with ease seemed ...
I’m Pinning Around Link Party
Sitting on the couch last night, I handed Bearhands the remote and started catching up on the day's social media. Joe Hockey was handing down the budget and the inevitable commentary started to appear in my Facebook feed. The unsolicited political rants and the shame of having made an arse by sharing a story about a Chinese miner who supposedly survived 17 years trapped under ground earlier in ...
vanilla braised beef cheeks
On the weekend, while no one (including me) was looking, Cooker and a Looker turned two. I went back to my first ever post to check the exact date; the post was vanilla braised beef cheeks and it was cringe worthy. Re-reading my original post made it clear to me that my blogging style has changed in two years: I put down my iPhone and found my camera, I removed the stick from my arse I became ...
homemade pizza pockets
This post is brought to you by DON Smallgoods. Being a school mum is taking some getting used to. When will I adjust to being the mum and not the sitting-in-the-front-row-raising-my-hand-so-high-my-bum-leaves-the-seat student? I felt nervous waiting outside the Big Sister’s first parent-teacher interview a few weeks back, my nerves were probably not aided by the incident. In many ways the Big ...
where babies come from
There's a particularly rough bit of track between Orchid Beach and the calm side of Fraser island. Coming home the other day, the rest of our crew pulled up on the other side to make sure we got through. They noted the grave look on my face and figured I was worried about Bearhands' driving. Inside the car, the sisters were having a conversation. The Big Sister asked the Little Sister if she'd ...