If you heard that thumping sound about 3am Tuesday morning, that was me crashing back to earth after my girls weekend on Fraser Island. I returned home to the news that the Little Sister has contracted whatever frightful freaking lurgy that has plagued the Big Sister for the past three weeks. Since then, I've spent my day jamming fresh fruit and veg into their gobs and my nights in one of their ...
how to make piña coladas + make an escape
I was tired of my husband, we've been together so long Like a worn out recording of a favourite song So while he lay there sleepin' I text my girlfriends bed And in what seemed like an instant, there was reply and it read If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain If the theme song from Frozen has made you completely insane If your children whinge when their toast’s the wrong ...
I’m Pinning Around Link Party
Yesterday I discovered the Little Sister brushing her teeth with glue. The Big Sister had decided to do some Tuesday morning crafting on the sly and had left the tube of glue in the bathroom, next to the toothpaste. Is it any wonder I abhor craft? The crafting gear has been moved to a higher shelf, for fear that glue becomes a regular part of the Little Sister's diet! Luckily there were some ...
quinoa goreng + permission to stop reading this blog
Yesterday I activated almonds. I suspect that sharing this contentious piece of information will result in a large exodus of readers of my blog. You have my permission to click away and never return. Fair play. I’d leave me too. Casa de Cooker is at serious risk of overdosing on super foods this week. The kale planted in the veggie patch is finally ready to pick. The new asparagus shoots ...
sago and stewed prunes + bats in my belfry
By my calculations it’s been 8 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes and 3 seconds since I was alone, even for one waking minute. The Big Sister has a cough which draws uncomfortable stares and inspires old people to cross the street. We’ve been laying low at Casa de Cooker, not leaving the house except to buy groceries and drop the Little Sister to her day care mother. The Big Sister loves school, so ...
I’m Pinning Around Link Party
Happy Wednesday and welcome to the second I'm Pinning Around Link Party! A big thank you to everyone that joined the party last week, here are some of my favourite linked posts. Jodi from Fresh Home Cook linked her spiced pumpkin and poppy seed muffins. I spent the rest of the afternoon day dreaming about lemon cream cheese frosting. Seriously, I'm yet to meet a lemon cream cheese frosting I ...