We’re home from our North Queensland adventure. We’ve made memories, collected souvenirs, celebrated a birthday and covered a lot of miles (man, have we covered some miles).

Not all of the souvenirs that we arrived home with were bought in overpriced gift shops. Some are completely devoid of value priceless. It all started with a tanty at breakfast; there was just no pleasing little Miss. The toast went uneaten, the cereal was spilt and the paw paw administered to my sleeve.
Mummy went to North Queensland and wore paw paw.
Our little family embarked on a short rainforest walk after breakfast, before beginning the trek home via Cairns. I fell behind, unable to take photos and keep up with the blistering pace Bearhands was setting. This is how I managed to capture the exact moment Bearhands dragged the Little Sister’s bean under the spiny underside of a palm.
Tears, untangling and lots of blood resulted. We pulled five spines out of her scalp. Later I’d discover a leech had taken up residence in my jeans – the North Queensland bush means business!
Mummy went to North Queensland and wore blood and paw paw.
We stopped at Lake Eacham to share some leftover birthday cake for Morning Tea. My reflexes weren’t fast enough and there were never going to be enough wipes.
Mummy went to North Queensland and wore chocolate cake, blood and paw paw.

After weaving down the range to Gordonvale and narrowly avoiding the Big Sister covering the hire car in spew, we had lunch at the RSL. More correctly, we had lunch and the Little Sister decorated herself, the high chair and subsequently me in her newly discovered, first great love – tomato sauce.

Mummy went to North Queensland and wore tomato sauce, chocolate cake, blood and paw paw.
We were sitting and exhaling at the Cairns Airport – the hire car returned (sans spew), the bags checked (and 800g underweight), security cleared (despite the acquisition of several new electronic toys). Bearhands and I were enjoying a Far North Queensland Lager, the Big Sister was gnawing on the piece of sugar cane that she’d been talking about since Day 2 of the trip. Bearhands offered the Little Sister a lady finger that we won’t be able to take on the plane. BOOM!
Mummy went to North Queensland and wore banana, tomato sauce, chocolate cake, blood and paw paw.

Having turned two the previous day, the Little Sister is now required to have her own seat. She managed take off happily, she did not manage her snack.
Mummy went to North Queensland and wore orange juice, banana, tomato sauce, chocolate cake, blood and paw paw.
Not content with having covered her overalls with OJ, the Little Sister filled her daks. While changing her and wondering why anyone would choose this setting for a little airborne amore, the soap dispenser jammed. I kept absent-mindedly pumping that thing until I build up enough pressure to squirt the bloody stuff sideways and all over myself.
Mummy went to North Queensland and wore Jetstar hand soap, orange juice, banana, tomato sauce, chocolate cake, blood and paw paw.
what’s the most unexpected souvenir you’ve brought home from holiday?
what’s the worst stain you’ve been faced with?
those palm spikes are *INSANE*… never seen anything like it! it appears that the little sister is a very generous laundry-inducer. ohhh, you lucky thang.
my best-ever souvenir stain, from my first trip to tassie and our first of many visits to cradle mountain, was a muddy wallaby footprint on my jeans from a little guy trying to climb over me to get to the bag of carrots my beloved was holding. i kept and wore those jeans until they finally suicided in the washer years later.
the toughest stain to remove was engine grease from my wedding dress… maybe i should not have been down in the engine room of the steam tug in that particular get up??! it was six years before i found a drycleaner who was able to get rid of it…………..
xoxo, buf
Ah dear… now lets hope that you have found an excellent detergent to look after all that mess. Sounds like a good holiday was had and sense of humour kept throughout!!
It was fun Seana. Think I need a button that says “keep calm and buy napisan”!
OMG – those spikes look savage! My worst nightmare is leeches … was besieged with them as a child when we went for a bushwalk … has cured me of bushwalks every since! It’s funny … you will look back on those photos with fond memories, I love how you included all the ‘reality’ as well 🙂 Cheers, Alison
Ah, children… I dream of the day I can leave the house without a filthy paw print on my clothes. I swear most people think I’m a vagrant half the time. Notwithstanding your need to buy shares in Nappysan, sounds like you all had a great holiday! 🙂 x
Lots of good memories made! 🙂
OH SHIT – so it was fun, painful and stressful all at the same time?? That head wound looks sore 🙁 I would have liked the story more if you had worn orange juice, banana, tomato sauce, chocolate cake, blood and paw paw AND ALCOHOL…. Bet you’re glad to be home xxx
You underestimate me Em – I partook, I just didn’t spill any!