Today is World MS Day; a day to draw awareness to the condition that affects 23,000+ Australians (and 2.5 million people worldwide). There is no cure (this year at least). Three quarters of the folks ...
you can't sugar coat MS
an open letter to my new lesion
Dear new lesion, We spotted you on the MRI yesterday. You seem to have moved in without completing a tenancy agreement. This is problematic in two forms: 1) we cannot be sure when you took ...
the contents of my head today
This week is the kind of week where you find yourself saying "gee it's been a long week" on Tuesday morning. This afternoon I'm off for my first post-treatment MRI. I've been telling anyone who will ...
gold stars, messages from the universe and staying grounded
At school, when report cards arrived Mum always insisted she didn't care about the marks, what mattered were the Teacher's comments. These past couple of years, I've found myself uttering the same ...
expect a miracle
Yesterday was Day 2 of this year's five days of treatment. I'm not too worse for wear, which is wonderful. The side effects tend to be cumulative, so I'm not counting my chickens but I am expecting a ...
thank fac for smart people
Don’t worry Mum, that title says fac. It’s colloquial French for university. Yes, I know what it looks like. Yes, I meant it. No, I don’t think anyone will think less of me for it. Cool? The Little ...