The Big Sister cannot stand the taste of vegemite. The Little Sister won't eat peanut butter. Finding a meal that they both like is like getting 4 numbers and a sup on your Saturday night lotto ...
kid-friendly feeds
11 fun ideas for Christmas cooking with kids
The kids have been on Christmas holidays for fifteen days now. 21,600 minutes to be exact. I estimate that they've been arguing for 19,600 of those minutes, accounting for the brief respite of ...
stained glass window biscuits
Growing up, we had a red tinsel Christmas tree. It didn't matter what decorations you put on it’s sparse branches, you could not make it look any good. As the saying goes, you cannot make a silk ...
how to make pikelets
It never rains, but it pours. That's the yarn right? This week has been disaster after breakdown on the farm and not a drop of rain. The last time I blogged about how dry the farm was, it rained. ...
fun fruit cones – a healthy birthday alternative
Sometimes the second child gets the raw deal. When the Big Sister was a kindy, she took birthday cupcakes decorated with fancy shiny sprinkles and laminated Peppa Pig toppers. If one of her ...
quick and easy beef and broccoli
I have so much to tell you, but it's birthday week and I'm hanging on by this skin of the tooth the Little Sister lost but refuses to part with. So this is going to have to be quick. The girls have ...