I have an app on my phone that tells me what I was up to on that day in years previous. It's fun to see how much the kids have grown, remember family holidays and past accomplishments. On Friday it ...
Helping in the kitchen and licking the beaters are the memories of childhood. Rediscover some of the joy of baking with these recipes.
baked chocolate rum cheesecake
Every morning my girls phone my folks from the “school bus” aka the backseat of my car. They chat to Nan and Pop about what’s planned for today and generally shoot the breeze. Last month, we invited ...
pink lemonade scones
How is it that in the three steps from the kitchen bench to the door the Big Sister will forget that I asked her to put her school shoes on, but promise to bake with her on Sunday and she'll remember ...
make your own muesli bars and ten things I know for sure.
these things i know for sure: If it’s going to rain, it will rain at 8.25am and 2.50pm. School pick up and drop off. If I’ve hung clothes on the line, the likelihood of preciptiation doubles. My ...
flourless chocolate pear cake
You know what the world needs more of? People who wave when you let them into traffic. And cake. Especially chocolate cake. This flourless chocolate pear cake is rich and dense and fresh all at ...
six tips for perfect pavlova
It's a recipe with just four ingredients, but the humble pav is a source of much kitchen consternation. Here are my six tips for a perfect pavlova. 1. Grandma was right, cleanliness IS next to ...