Regular readers will probably recall my joy at replacing the Oven of Certain Mediocrity a few months back. The Oven of Certain Mediocrity bugged me. It didn't have a timer. In fact, it didn't even ...
Helping in the kitchen and licking the beaters are the memories of childhood. Rediscover some of the joy of baking with these recipes.
oat cakes, expats and rastafarian rodents
With the exception of 45 minutes on a flight from Phuket to Singapore when I was so embarrassed by my compatriots I wished I was from anywhere else, I have never wanted to be anything other than ...
this is not a love song (or a fish recipe): healthy(ish) coconut cake pops
Today is Valentine’s day. There will be no candlelit dinner (unless there’s a power outage). No dancing (unless the Big Sister takes up Dora’s persistent invitations). No fancy fish pie (partly ...
Savoury Macarons
I've been keeping a secret from you, readers ........ sugar and I broke up a few months ago*. Nothing major happened, our relationship had simply run its course and I decided it was time to move ...
Real Men Eat Quiche: Kale, Bacon and Quinoa Quiche
Bruce Feirstein has a lot to answer for. Since the release of his 1982 book Real Men Don't Eat Quiche, women all over the world have been forced to disguise their offerings as 'egg and bacon pie' for ...
Zucchini Corn Bread
I've mentioned that good mates of ours are zucchini farmers. I knew last Thursday was going to ROCK when Sonia arrived before 7am bearing gifts - a box of zucchinis, five enormous onions and a red ...