It's a recipe with just four ingredients, but the humble pav is a source of much kitchen consternation. Here are my six tips for a perfect pavlova. 1. Grandma was right, cleanliness IS next to ...
Australia Day Pavlova
If you look back over history, Australia and New Zealand have been barneying over the patronage of food for a long time. Historians argue over who invented the lamington, Afghan biscuits and the ...
homemade tomato sauce
My brother Ant is marrying the beautiful Felicite in March. They’re childhood sweethearts who have stayed together despite distance, tragedy and my brother’s insistence on eating things he hunts. ...
photo bombs + Afghan biscuits
Bearhands and I honeymooned in the Northern Territory. When we returned from our break, I set about writing thank you notes to our 120+ guests. I included a photo from our wedding and a snap of us ...
Advancing Australian fare – not your average tuck shop lamingtons
My Nanna's a world traveller. As a girl I had a collection of dolls she'd bought on her travels, displayed safely out of reach and admired from a distance. The doll from China had a carefully ...
no foe shall gather our harvest | ANZAC traditions
The first time I attended the Dawn Service at Orchid Beach, I was moved to tears. Listening to the waves and the birds during a moment of silence; I pictured the young men of Gallipoli and the ways ...