If you can remember a time when golden daytime only came on a stick, and making children stand on temporary scaffolding metres in the air without safety rails was considered kosher, then chances are ...
high on the hog
Remember my brother Ant? The cowboy who delivers great birthday messages and builds birthday bucking bulls? He singled handedly turned my mood around today. This morning wasn't going so well. ...
thank you
Well aren't you a lovely bunch? I'm overwhelmed by your messages of congratulations after yesterday's news. Thank you for being my virtual cheer squad. I'm heading home to the farm this morning ...
the ten commandments for air travel (how not to be a dick on a plane)
This post is my futile attempt at winning a prize from Virgin Australia at the upcoming Problogger Conference. I suspect my use of the word dick will make Nanna unsubscribe from my blog (again) and ...
30 days of reality
Whether it's our intention or not, our social media profiles show the highlights reel of our lives. Take this photo from our holiday to Fraser Island for example... Looks perfect right? The ...
down down deeper and down
I'm going scuba diving this morning. It's something I haven't done in a very l o n g time. It's a quick dive today to make sure I remember which end of the regulator to put in my mouth before I dive ...