When you write on the internet, you come to expect criticism but this week my free Christmas Planner drew some unexpected flak. I read the message wearily. Dear Amanda - I have a complaint about ...
just what the doctor ordered
This post is brought to you by the RACGP* These things, of course, always happen on a Sunday. I was choosing seedlings for the veggie patch, because I don’t like to clean even when I’m nesting, when ...
how are you?
Been feeling a bit off kilter lately? You’re not alone. All over the country, folks are suffering from a case of the mehs. Symptoms include deep sighs, persistent headaches and ever decreasing ...
twenty things you’ve never wondered about me
Last week, while I was busy photoshopping a quiche to Robert Palmer's head, Miss Chardy and Kirsten and Co snuck up behind me, sat me under a hot light and interrogated me about hotels, The Castle and ...
I get by with a little help from my friends (the second helping)
Yesterday I had a sad day. I'm prone to having sad days in the lead up to David's anniversary. Often I'm not sure what brings them on, but I suspect yesterday's sadness was brought on by my phone ...
the real cost of cutting the healthy kids check
Last week I received a little note in the mail from our GP reminding me that the Little Sister is due for vaccinations. When I phoned to make an appointment, I asked if it still included the "Healthy ...