Yesterday my stove started flaming. Not in the helpful, cooking way. In the on-fire-run-outside-and-turn-the-gas-off kind of way. The plumber has been today and confirmed it's probably going ...
yet another new year post
My mate Rachel is mad keen on New Years Resolutions. Having not spent new years with her before, I was surprised by her fervor and enthusiasm for such endeavours. I tend to lurk at the other end ...
that’s a wrap
The year is rapidly drawing to a close and I've run out of time to post the vacherin recipe - sorry - in the new year I promise! I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have read ...
lighting a candle
Grief is a process. You can't hurry it up. Initially, I tried reading my way through it. Devouring books about grief and waiting for a eureka moment, when I could make my peace with what had ...
be wise
I'm off to the Chenrezig Institute tomorrow for a Meditation for Beginners course. I'm hoping meditation will help me introduce a little more calm in our lives and a little more sotto voce from ...
Farewelling Fr Stan
The first thing I noticed about Fr Stan was his feet. Priests have feet - who knew? We'd arrived at the Caloundra Parish Office after hours, for the first of a few compulsory ...