This is a sponsored post for Target Australia. My fingers could not type fast enough when I learned that Kenny Rodgers was performing at the Gympie Muster last year. Bearhands was keen, so was ...
the blog post that saved me $745.16 this week
Bearhands and I headed to Port Douglas for a wedding this weekend. We’d intended making a long child-free weekend of it, but life happened and we had to cut our trip short. I looked at booking our ...
vignettes for the unfashionable
We all have that one mate who effortlessly throws together a man's shirt, some buttons she turned into earrings & a jaunty bowler hat and looks fabulous. I am not that mate. Similarly, I know ...
choose your own adventure – Voices of 2013
Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books of the eighties? What happened in the story was up to you. A fork in the road? Left or right? You’d turn to the page and the story would unfold based ...
no foe shall gather our harvest | ANZAC traditions
The first time I attended the Dawn Service at Orchid Beach, I was moved to tears. Listening to the waves and the birds during a moment of silence; I pictured the young men of Gallipoli and the ways ...
two birds and a little about Loving
There's love in the air at the farm. A pair of owls called back and forth to each other all night. In the early hours of this morning, I hoped they'd found time to eat - what with all the shouting ...