In the months after David died I was worried he would evaporate. I was terrified of forgetting what his hands looked like or the sound of his laugh. I must have seemed quite mad at the wake when I ...
Random Acts of Zen – the interview
I’m over at Random Acts of Zen today, talking blogging, happiness and Homeland. Speaking of Homeland, I'm loving this scene from Sesame Street. Pop over to the lovely Lisa's blog and shift ...
as much polish as a rusty nail: the formal edition
We’re accompanying a couple of special girls to their formal this evening. They’ve been excitedly planning this event for the entire school year. They’ve carefully chosen beautiful dresses and ...
I finished the magazine today. Flossie's off being beautified, which means it’s already in much better nick than it’s author. Truth be told, I’ve not only been neglecting my appearance. Emails ...
the c word – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This post is brought to you by Ski. It was 1994 and my brothers and I were standing around the sink drying the dishes when someone mentioned “the C word” had been said at school. Mum, who was washing ...
introducing flossie
When I first started writing this blog, I just shared recipes. My alter-ego, Sensible Amanda, didn’t think anyone would be interested in what I thought, just what I cooked. Eventually, I started to ...