A few weeks ago a naive and better rested young woman, let’s call her Amanda, posted this picture on Instagram with the caption: Normally a picture says a thousand words. This one only says two: ...
Australia Day Party
Australia Day was interesting one on the farm last year. The heavens opened on our parched farm. The dam went from a muddy puddle to overflowing in the space of eight hours. By the afternoon the ...
Things on Thursday
Everywhere you look on the internet, people are writing about things: how to knit things, how to teach things, how to disappoint yourself trying to make things that never work out, how to sew things, ...
the world is still a good place, the 2/1/14 edition
The world is still a good place. This time of year is tough for a lot of people, including the bereaved. I've been feeling David's absence more acutely these past few weeks. A "Merry Christmas ...
little Lucy
The Big Sister just got off the phone to my Mum. Mausie and JC don’t have any phone service at their property at Black Duck Creek at the moment. They went into town this morning and called to check ...
good news + bad news: an update on Flossie Magazine
I have good news and bad news about Flossie Magazine. The bad news is, saving some app-tastic miracle, Flossie won’t launch today. It’s sitting in app store, awaiting Apple’s review. She’s going to ...