A few weeks ago, a mate shared an article titled "Put away the flags and enjoy your country on Australia Day" by a Colorado Poet Laureate David Mason. It wasn't a new article - The Age published it ...
my day on a plate
No doubt you've seen the "My day on a plate" feature in the Sunday lift-out of the Sydney Morning Herald. Here's my Saturday on a plate and I promise there's not an activated almond in ...
the girl who forgot how to blog
Was it possible? Could she have forgotten how to blog? It’d been twelve days and she’d tried. She’d sat at the computer staring at a blank page and blinking cursor. Mum? Can I have something to ...
2014 in review
My mate Mrs D plus 3 put together a little list to wrap up her year. I loved her list so much I thought I'd sit down and answer it while the kids hid from the heat on the lounge yesterday afternoon. ...
the seven deadly Christmas sins
Hello there! How are the holidays treating you? We celebrated Christmas with our families on the farm, but now the house is empty again and I’ve taken it upon myself to round out the last days of ...
Let’s climb a mountain, he said. It’ll be fun, he said.
The guinea fowl parked up outside our bedroom window and squabbled about something that could only be resolved with much noise, posturing and fluffing - much like a feathered version of backstage at ...