these things i know for sure: If it’s going to rain, it will rain at 8.25am and 2.50pm. School pick up and drop off. If I’ve hung clothes on the line, the likelihood of preciptiation doubles. My ...
taking stock. the Christopher Pyne edition.
I deplore the C word. Won't stand for it to be said in my ear shot. Over the years, we've had a few employees that have been quite fond of it and I've told them they're only allowed use that ...
eleven valentines day ideas (that won’t make you barf)
Valentines Day means different things to different people. Hell, it means different things to the same people over time. Bearhands and I have had our fair share of Valentines ups and downs. We very ...
this is my brother David
This is my brother David. Today is his thirty-third birthday. Except he's not. David will be 29 forever. Sometimes I imagine what he’d doing now, if God had taken me up on any of the deals I ...
the time of my life
Ever get the feeling the universe is trying to tell you something? A few weeks ago, while Bearhands was overseas, I settled into watch Dirty Dancing. It was just getting to the climax when Foxtel ...
chocolate covered bullets conjure old flames and other things i learned in January 2015
Can you believe we’re already a month into 2015? The Big Sister went back to school on Tuesday and we're finally settling into a little bit of normality. Of course, by normality I mean that special ...