I don’t remember the first time I met Dodger, but I’ll always remember his instrumental role in my retirement from turf harvesting.I’d stepped off the harvester to stretch my back which was suffering ...
dishing the dirt
dishing the dirt on strawberries
This time last week, I loaded the girls in the car and under my friend Soni’s directions navigated forestry tracks and dirt roads to Di West’s strawberry farm. We sat around her kitchen table and ...
how to choose great strawberries
Di West has been farming since she was a foetus. She thinks strawberries are best enjoyed raw and her favourite variety is called Splendour. We sat down at her kitchen table on Saturday, and while ...
dishing the dirt on fingerlimes
Ever picked up a product in a shop and known it was a winner? Last year I grabbed a bag of fingerlimes that were being grown sustainably by a local farmer and I knew instantly they’d be a ...
eggplants, beauty, sex and death
In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death. Sam Llewelyn This year at Casa de Cooker the gardens have been more of the later and very little of the former. When I ...