Whether it's our intention or not, our social media profiles show the highlights reel of our lives. Take this photo from our holiday to Fraser Island for example... Looks perfect right? The ...
bloggers read mean comments 2
Ever noticed that the people who speak the loudest have the least to say? I'm often reminded of this quote from Leah Wilson when I see the keyboard warriors roll their sleeves up and get stuck into ...
5 things I’d tell you about visual content if we were friends
On the weekend I gave a little talk at the Kidspot Voices of 2015 Masterclass and shared a few tips and tools for creating visual content with some fellow bloggers, many of whom I consider good ...
once upon a blog….
Once upon a time there was a girl named Amanda. She lived on a farm with her husband and two daughters. She started writing recipes on the internet. Then one day a kindly mob included her on ...
The Great Australian Fish Pie
I have an app on my phone that tells me what I was up to on that day in years previous. It's fun to see how much the kids have grown, remember family holidays and past accomplishments. On Friday it ...
taking stock, April 2015
taking stock is one of the many brainchildren of Pip Lincolne from Meet Me at Mikes. Making: plans for Mothers Day. Cooking: sensible meals to make up for the holiday excess. Drinking: ...