Spring is here. Our vegie patch is finally getting a wiggle on and the cabbage moths have arrived. I’ve been cursing them and The Big Sister has been marvelling at them. It’s a very good lesson in perspective – one woman’s cabbage moth is a little girl’s butterfly.
So, I decided to dive into some cabbage moth inspired craft. The Big Sister loves life cycles at the moment, so we spent Tuesday morning constructing a Butterfly Life Cycle from stuff we collected from the garden.
I asked her to name the life stages and we drew them onto our paper, then we went about making them from leaves, sticks, nuts and flowers.
Here’s our handiwork.
It was a nice way to spend the morning in the garden & amuse the Big Sister quietly while the Little Sister had a sleep.
I’m loving the weather at the moment. What’s your favourite season?
You are such a good mother Amanda
Thanks Dawn – you’re a sweetheart.
wow they look so cool!!!
Goes well with my caterpillar rice balls on my blog today!
#teamIBOT was here 🙂
How clever are you! You’re handiwork looks great, my crafty 4 yr old would love it!
Spring is certainly my favourite season, and I’m loving the weather so far. I’m not too into gardening though, not a fan of bugs. Just enjoying the sunshine! x
Hi Kelly, thanks for visiting. Congrats on your toilet training victory! In my own experience of parenting, I’ve often found that the anticipation is often worse than the actual event. Regardless – well done!
I’m in the NT so we only have two seasons: Wet and Dry, and they both are nice, though I love the dry cause it is not as hot.
This was a great little activity though. Well done!
Hi Jess, I think you have bigger and more annoying insects to deal with up there! But, that said – you chances of catching a barramundi before your next birthday are much higher than mine! I can’t wait to see you instagram a massive fish!