This post is brought to you by Ski.
It was 1994 and my brothers and I were standing around the sink drying the dishes when someone mentioned “the C word” had been said at school. Mum, who was washing up because I’m a slack arse, piped up and asked “the C word? What? Cancer?”
As much as I hate the C word, I hate cancer more. This year four women close to me, including Mum herself, have had to say the c-word. So when Ski approached me and said they’d treat one of these beautiful women to a spa treatment if I’d write a post for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I readily agreed. I had just the bird in mind.
I’ve known Cassandra for about ten years. The first time I ever saw a cathedral length veil was when she married her husband Simon. Normally, I can’t take my eyes off the groom when the bride walks down the aisle, but Cassandra was breathtaking.
This year Cassandra had news that knocked the breath out of all of us: breast cancer. She and Simon packed their two littlies up and set up a temporary home in Brisbane, so Cassandra could receive treatment.
I wrote a quick note to accompany the lovely massage voucher that Ski shouted Cassandra. It was brief and not too mushy (I’ve written enough teary blog posts this week). I simply told her how totally in awe I am of her strength and determination, and that I can’t wait to celebrate her clean bill of health.
I’m looking forward to a time when the “C word” effs off for good. Until then, we can be grateful for the great support that breast cancer charities like the McGrath Foundation provide to women during their treatment.
To mark what’s left of Breast Cancer Awareness Month I’m turning the blog pink. The Big Sister will be pleased!
Ski is partnered with the McGrath Foundation and have pledged $350,000 to the foundation by 2015. You can read more about this fabulous initiative here. You can show your support by purchasing specially marked packs of yoghurt during October.
do you hate the c word?
done anything special to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
What a terrible word. It affects way too many people. Lovely post! Rachel xx
PS: I think you might be missing a zero or have a misplaced comma in the last paragraph
Great pick up Rachel – thank you! 🙂
A beautiful thing to do for someone Amanda. Cancer, urgh! It has affected my mum, my husband’s mum and 2 of his aunts. The c word indeed. Have a lovely weekend xox
Don’t you just love the opportunities that come with blogging Jay? Have a great weekend xx
A very sweet post and I bet it was a hard letter to write. I’m sure your friend will be so stoked to have a trip to the day spa, and much deserved from the sounds of it. I don’t ever actually say the c word, too many people I’ve known and loved been taken or affected by it. Great post and love the pink 🙂 xxx
I passionately hate the C word too. October was a special anniversary for me and I am very grateful I am here to tell the tale. I wouldn’t have got through it without the support of family and friends. I am sure your friend will get a clean bill off health in no time at all.
You’re a good friend, Amanda. Wishing Cassandra and her family the very best. xxx
Today we’re remembering a work colleague who lost her battle to the C-word by wearing pink. I think she would have been touched by the gesture. Particularly by all the blokes who are dusting off “salmon” coloured shirts. 🙂