Last month I flew to Rockhampton to attend the Black Dog Ball, a black-tie fundraiser that helps to fund mental health work in the Rocky area.
The ball was held at a nearby station called Paradise Lagoons. The camp draft arena was transformed for a night into a glittery ballroom, complete with floating floor. It was a wonderful night and the highlight was holding my friend Lauren’s hand as she bravely discussed her experience of living with a depressive illness and the four words that she believes saved her life.
I was incredibly proud of her candour and thrilled to be there to support her .
This week is Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Week. Normally I share something on social media about how important it is to discuss the depression and remove the stigma around mental illness so that people who are struggling with the illness aren’t too ashamed to seek help.
Each year after I write these sentences I feel in-genuine because I don’t mention that I, myself, suffered post-natal depression after the birth of my eldest daughter. This year, inspired by Lauren, I decided to practice what I preach. Bravery likes company, or something like that.
I shared some of my PND experience with The Australian Women’s Weekly. You can read it here.
If you think you may be suffering from post-natal depression, please tell someone – your partner, your GP, a mate.
There’s no need to suffer alone. Life gets better and with the help of your GP it can get much better much faster.
Phone PANDA 1300 726 306
Well done you, it’s a great read! Big love x
Thanks Em. x
Beautiful post from a beautiful, brave mamma. Big loves and well done xxx
Thanks Rob. x
Thank you for sharing your story. You are so brave & your strength knows no bounds. Such a powerful read – great job. xx
If you only knew how anxious I’ve been about publishing this Jodie! Thanks for your kind words. The response (including your comment) has been very kind. 🙂