The tomatoes that I lovingly raised to seedlings, then planted in the garden and nurtured through the driest period that we’ve experienced on the farm, have started to fruit.
As luck would have it, the arrival of rain has coincided with the tomato flourish, causing the fruit to swell and split on the vines. They’re spoiling and it breaks my heart.
So today I decided to try my hand at making my own tomato paste, and I’m thrilled to say that I think this is the best thing I’ve cooked all year. I’m giddy with pride. It turns out that Luc de Vauvenargues was spot on when he said “the fruits of labor are the sweetest of all pleasures.”
I made two versions, one for the thermochef and one on the stove.
tomato paste
Makes one jar – approx 375gms
800g ripe tomatoes
1 red capsicum
1 brown onion, diced
2 tbs fresh basil, torn
½ tbsp white sugar
1 tsp salt
2 bay leaves
1 clove garlic
Roughly chop the tomato and capsicum. Add the tomatoes, capsicum, onion, bay leaves, basil, sugar and salt to a large pot.
Cook over a gentle heat for an hour. Puritans suggest that you should now push the mixture through a sieve. To them I say, ain’t nobody got time for that. I used a stick blender to give it a whiz.
Add the crushed garlic and cook for a further half hour or until it reaches a thick, paste consistency.
Remove from heat and blend until you achieve your desired texture.
thermochef tomato paste
Makes one jar – approx 200gms
800g ripe tomatoes
1 red capsicum
½ tbsp white sugar
1 tsp salt
½ tbsp olive oil
2 bay leaves
Roughly chop the tomatoes and capsicum and add them to the TC bowl. Process at speed 6 for twenty seconds.
Scrape down the sides. Add the sugar, salt and olive oil.
Cook for thirty minutes, speed 1, cooking (varoma) setting.
Scrape down the sides, cook as above for a further twenty minutes.
Scrape down the sides. Process speed 5, forty seconds.
Store in the refrigerator in a sterilised jar, or freeze in an icecube tray for longer periods.
Both methods produced superb results, and I’m not just saying that because I nurtured these tomatoes from seeds. The fact that my kids are also extremely smart, talented and gifted is a total coincidence!
The stove top method produced a richer flavour, which I suspect can be credited to the inclusion of garlic and the longer cooking time. That said the thermochef version is a lovely sweet tomato paste that was ridiculously easy to make.
Make it for yourself and grin like a loon!
what makes you swell with pride?
are your kids exceptionally clever and ridiculously good looking?
Oh wow, I was just thinking the other day how great it would be to make my own tomato paste. And here it is! Thanks Amanda!!
Looks so easy! How much tomato paste do these recipes yield? How many jars and what size jar? I’m just wondering so that I can gather everything I need to make this.
on Etsy: Pink Scissors Design
pinkscissorsdesign@ gmail .com
Hi Deborah, each batch made one small bottle. In my excitement – I forgot to weigh them, I’ll do it today and update the recipe.
I agree with Lisa!
This is such a good idea! I love tommy puree and tend to go a bit over board. This would have so much more flavour! Love it!
oh wow – must try this recipie – would never have thought to put a capsicum in!! 🙂
Haha love your comments line!
YUM I love growing tomatoes, I’m sure my kids are addicted to them 😉 They just taste so amazing,especially in cooking, beautiful recipe. XX
The Little Sister and I have an arrangement Rebecca – she sucks the seeds out of the middle and I eat the skin. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but it works for us!
Am adding this to my cooking ‘to do’ list. I usually make my own pizza sauces, but perhaps it’s time to take it to the next step. Thanks for sharing!
Now if we could only smoke our own pepperoni? (not a euphemism!)
We actually got fruit from our tomatoes this year! They unfortunately don’t even make it inside, as the 9 year old eats them off the plants as soon as they are ripe!
We’re the same when snowpeas are in season Sophie. Beats fighting over veggies at dinner time 🙂
I’m printing that Thermo recipe out for the next time we have an overabundance of tomatoes and have run out of ideas how to use them!
I saw you got a thermomix for Christmas – nice!
I am going to try and make it work in the thermomix. Will tell you how I go! Thanks for linking up with #TUST Amanda. Love your recipes.
Annaleis – Blogs and PR Team Member
Only took me 16 months or so but I finally tried the tomato paste. Loved it thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear it love! xx
I have always wondered how to make my own tomato paste!! Thanks for this, this is awesome!!!
I make my own tomato pasta sauce in the slow cooker and this right here looks like it will be a good addition.
There is nothing better than growing your own, I’ve found. And it’s hearbreaking when the grubs / birds / weather gets to your crop before you do! This looks like an awesome recipe and a great way to rescue your tomatoes from the foul weather 🙂
Ahh I really do have to try this with the Thermomix!! Great job A! xxx
You have inspired me to hurry up and plant a tomato crop at our new house so I can try this recipe! Sounds delicious!
I was skeptical – tomato relish is one thing but homemade tomato paste? Didn’t think it could be done. Yours looks divine. I actually don’t know if I could do that, and I love cooking. I imagine it’s going to make every dish that uses it taste like summer. Mmm.
I am loving the recipe. Bookmarked! Have had tomatoes given from friends and there’s only so many tomatoes you can have in a salad or add to a curry. A paste is perfect, thanks x
Hi Amanda, I am Amanda too. 🙂 I watched your cooking video. What a fun and awesome experience that must have been for you. It was so great for me to hear that you win too, woo hoo!
Oh boy I bet that tastes good. And I respect greatly that you didn’t waste the fruits of your labour. Good for you.
Yum! I bet it tastes a zillion times better than the plasticky paste in a tube. We use tomato paste a lot so it’s now on the list!
Wow so easy! I love it. I was hoping for stacks and stack of tomatoes this year but the weird weather had us harvesting half of what we needed. I can’t wait till next summer try again!
So I’ve had cherry toms in the garden and the flowers haven’t turned into toms, although we’ve had HEAPS of rain – could this be the problem!! Some of the leaves are actually turning yellow? Usually cherry toms are my speciality! Thanks in advance. Em x
oh I would love a thermochef.. but could not justify $2000 on it… *sigh* but maybe one day hubby may surprise me!! That tomato sauce looks great!!
#TTUT was here 🙂
Hi Yvette, I have a thermochef – it’s a cheaper machine based on an earlier model of a thermomix – it was only(!) $800. I use it a lot though and I feel like I get my money’s worth. Love the shop – I hope it’s a terrific success!
Cheers, Amanda 🙂
I am very impressed you made your own tomato paste. I feel very inadequate using the packet stuff.
Oh don’t Lisa! I just couldn’t bear to see my lovely tomatoes spoiling on the vine! 🙂
All these posts inspire me to finally get a vegetable garden growing, I can put some of our sweet basil to work! Thanks for linking up with Eat.Pray.Love 🙂
Super yummy looking! Thanks for linking up to my Pin Me Party!
Thanks for hosting!
I made this recipe on the weekend! I googled tomato paste and thermochef and voila, up you popped! It’s delicious 🙂
That’s fabulous Kelly! Tastes so much better than the bought stuff, huh?
Thanks for letting me know. x